Here’s a recap of the fantastic WikiAgile Launch Event that took place a couple of weeks ago.
Here’s a recap of the fantastic WikiAgile Launch Event that took place a couple of weeks ago. It was a remarkable day filled with smiles and happy people getting together for networking and to learn about agile software and hardware at Tesla and SpaceX from Joe Justice. We also explored how WikiAgile and wikiflow are collaborating to shape agile futures together. We are committed to bringing more agility, and more speed to you!
We couldn’t be happier with the exceptional location and service that Ravintola Laulu provided for our event. The venue provided the perfect backdrop for inspiring discussions and networking.
Stay tuned for upcoming events and exciting news. We’d also like to invite you to join a one-day training with Joe on JoeDX. The WikiAgile journey continues, and we're excited to have you with us every step of the way.