Implementing OKRs

OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) is a collaborative goal-setting method applicable to companies, teams, and individuals.

OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) is a collaborative goal-setting method applicable to companies, teams, and individuals. It serves to enhance adaptability within organisations and provides a structured framework for aligning goals with evolving market demands.

OKRs provide clarity regarding what needs to be achieved, ensuring that employees understand their priorities and can make informed decisions. Throughout the workshop, you will deepen your understanding of the fundamentals of OKRs and explore how they enhance alignment, clarity, and focus within teams and across organisational levels.

This interactive session will include practical exercises, ensuring that you gain hands-on experience in creating effective OKRs and implementing them successfully.

Topics covered

  1. Introduction to OKRs: Understanding the concept and its significance in driving organisational success.
  2. The art of setting goals: Exploring best practices for defining clear and actionable objectives.
  3. Hands-on practice: Exercises to help participants draft their own OKRs and receive feedback.
  4. The OKR process: Learning the step-by-step approach to using the OKR format in the chosen timeframe
  5. The application of OKRs: Implementing and managing OKRs.
  6. Pitfalls: Identifying common challenges 
  7. Implementation tactics

Learning objectives

  • To learn about OKR why what and how
  • To get hands-on experience for writing OKRs 
  • To learn about the implementation of OKRs 

Like all our bite-size modules, the OKR module can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your organisation. Contact us here to request a customised offer.

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